"Apuse" is a folk song originating from the Papua Province. The song "Apuse" was created by one from Jayapura, whos...

Traditional songs of Papua 'Apuse'

"Apuse" is a folk song originating from the Papua Province. The song "Apuse" was created by one from Jayapura, whose name is not known. This song has a beautiful and simple rhythm so this song is often learned in art lessons at the elementary school level.

By looking at the Indonesian translation of the lyrics of the song "Apuse", it can be said that the meaning of the song "Apuse" tells about a grandchild who said goodbye to his grandparents.

The grandson said goodbye because he would go wander to Doreri Bay in Manokwari. Indeed, in the past, Doreri Bay had become an important port with all its economic activities. Thus the meaning of the song lyrics apuse.

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Nama : Ahmad Naufal Rambu Winata
Class : 1MA03
Npm : 10818343