Since the days of our ancestors, until now, the myths about the prohibition of doing something that can have bad consequences have indeed ...


Since the days of our ancestors, until now, the myths about the prohibition of doing something that can have bad consequences have indeed flourished in Indonesia. This region is rich in ethnicity and culture, its people easily believe in superstitious things, such as the prohibition of sweeping at night.

According to trust, the consequences caused by sweeping at night, is that the person is difficult to get sustenance, or throw away the sustenance that has been obtained. There are also those who say that sweeping at night means inviting bad luck.

In fact, another opinion states, sweeping at night will disturb spirits that are not visible, because it hits the body of spirits with the broom handle. Do not stop there, there are also people who associate superstition to ban sweeping at night with religion. In fact, none of the hadith mentioned the issue.

Sweep at night is prohibited because it is believed to be able to throw away the sustenance that we have accumulated during the day. Interestingly, many people practice this myth even though there is no logical explanation for the correlation between night sweeping and loss of sustenance. However, if it is interpreted logically, sweeping activities should be carried out in the morning or afternoon because at that time the lighting is more maximal and the results will also be maximized.

Source :

Name : Ahmad Naufal Rambu W
Class : 1MA03
Npm : 10818343


"Apuse" is a folk song originating from the Papua Province. The song "Apuse" was created by one from Jayapura, whos...

Traditional songs of Papua 'Apuse'

"Apuse" is a folk song originating from the Papua Province. The song "Apuse" was created by one from Jayapura, whose name is not known. This song has a beautiful and simple rhythm so this song is often learned in art lessons at the elementary school level.

By looking at the Indonesian translation of the lyrics of the song "Apuse", it can be said that the meaning of the song "Apuse" tells about a grandchild who said goodbye to his grandparents.

The grandson said goodbye because he would go wander to Doreri Bay in Manokwari. Indeed, in the past, Doreri Bay had become an important port with all its economic activities. Thus the meaning of the song lyrics apuse.

Source :

Nama : Ahmad Naufal Rambu Winata
Class : 1MA03
Npm : 10818343


Toba Batak Traditional Clothing is a traditional outfit from the ethnic Toba Batak tribe. Toba ethnicity often uses it during big events,...

Traditional Clothing of the Batak Toba

Toba Batak Traditional Clothing is a traditional outfit from the ethnic Toba Batak tribe. Toba ethnicity often uses it during big events, especially on traditional weddings.

The cloth used is dominated by Ulos, a traditional Batak weaving that you can now find easily. Besides that, various types of body decorating accessories are also complementary.

Along with the times, modern Toba Batak traditional clothing has become an inseparable part of the homeland fashion industry and even the world.

These traditional clothes are not only used in traditional ceremonies but also in everyday life. Ulos used by men is called the hande-hande for the upper part. And singkot for the bottom. As for the head, it is called bulang-bulang, detat or ropes.

Bright colors and beautiful geometric patterns make this traditional outfit easy to spot. Not only patterns, motifs and colors, the way to use Toba traditional clothes is also very unique. The method of use is not the same as the traditional clothes of other regions in the form of superiors and subordinates. This traditional Toba Batak tribe dress is a fabric twist, both for superiors and subordinates. The cloth is also the same for men or women. What distinguishes it is how to use it.

source :!

Name : Ahmad Naufal Rambu Winata
Class : 1MA03
Npm : 10818343


Egg crust(Kerak Telor) is an authentic food from Betawi, Jakarta. I choose this food because I am authentic betawi. I like this food, beca...

Egg Crust Food (Kerak Telor)

Egg crust(Kerak Telor) is an authentic food from Betawi, Jakarta. I choose this food because I am authentic betawi. I like this food, because there is a lot of mixture of ingredients in the making, namely, white sticky rice, chicken eggs, ebi (dried marinated shrimp) which is dried roasted plus fried shallots, then given mashed spices in the form of roasted coconut, red chili, kencur, ginger, pepper granules, salt and sugar.

This egg crust has a savory and legit taste. This food has long been one of the mainstay foods of the city of Jakarta, especially the Betawi people. not only sold in roadside stalls, traditional snacks are often sold during major Jakarta events such as the "Jakarta Fair". Although a lot of various foods are served there, the egg crust remains one of the most sought after foods by residents of Jakarta.

Cooked crust egg using a skillet. When the crust of the egg is half done, the egg crust is turned over and left exposed to the coals while being fanned. When it is rather dry and cooked, then the egg crust is served with serundeng which comes from grated coconut, also fried onions.

maybe that's all I can say about this explanation of Betawi traditional food,
Thank you.

Source :

Name : Ahmad Naufal Rambu Winata
Class : 1MA03
Npm : 10818343


Marbles or often called gundu, is a traditional game made of glass with a round shape, this game is usually played by boys. The way to pl...

Marbles Game

Marbles or often called gundu, is a traditional game made of glass with a round shape, this game is usually played by boys. The way to play is also quite easy, you just flicking the marbles with your finger that we have targeting the opponent's marbles. If you succeed touching marbles, then the marbles are yours. This game will be more cool if it is played many people.

Rules and How to Play :
1. Two or more players are required.
2. Playing this game there are many types of games and the rules which different or vary according to the type of game.
3. Marbles Played on a flat ground.

Not a few values that we can get from this game. Call it relaxation or regulating emotions, sharpening the brain, patience, carefulness, training competitive characters, practicing honesty, and developing social skills.

I am very happy when i was a child, when i was playing Marbles with my friends, and I will not forget this traditional game.

source :

Name : Ahmad Naufal Rambu Winata
Npm   : 10818343


Minangkabau or Minang (often called Padang People) is a tribe or ethnic originating from West Sumatra Province.This ethnic is famous fo...

Minangkabau Ethnicity

Minangkabau or Minang (often called Padang People) is a tribe or ethnic originating from West Sumatra Province.This ethnic is famous for its matrilineal customs, although the Minang people are very strong in embracing Islam. Customary in syara ’, syara’ basandi Kitabullah (Customary law-based, Al-Qur'an based law) is a reflection of Minang tradition based on Islam. Minangkabau name comes from two words, namely Minang and Kabau. The name is associated with a legend known in Tambo

Minangkabau people are very prominent in the field of commerce, as professionals, and intellectuals. They were heirs of the old traditions of the Malay Kingdom and Sriwijaya who liked to trade and be dynamic. More than half of the total members of this community are overseas. 

And i hear from my friend, she is native padang, she says, in one city, the custom is still very strong. where women have to buy men, the point here is, women must propose to the man. in my opinion this is very unique because usually the man who comes to propose to the woman. but this is the opposite.

source :

Name : Ahmad Naufal Rambu Winata
Npm   : 10818343